Submitted by em256 on
(1) Homework 1 will be due on Tuesday Sept 4, 11:59pm. You may hand in your assignment in-class, or drop it in the homework box. Please make sure to staple your sheets together and write your name on it. Although we prefer paper submissions, you may also upload a pdf file to the blackboard site.
(2) Recitation 1 is due on Friday Aug 31, 11:59pm. You should upload your “.ipynb file” to blackboard. Some students have had their files rejected. The work-around is to “zip” the file first.
(3) Office Hours: Prof. Mueller will have office hours on Mondays from 12:20-1:10pm and Thursdays from 2pm-3pm in PSB 418. We can adjust if those end up not working. Mehmet Dimitras will have office hours on Fridays from 2:15-3:35 in Phillips 318 (the computer room), and Mondays 1:25-2:15 in Clark 294A (Clark Learning Suite).
(4) In-class activities: Please hand in at next lecture. If you lost the sheet, you can download it from the web site.
(5) Reading: The reading from our first lecture was Chapter 1 of Griffith’s Quantum Mechanics. The reading for the second lecture is section 2.4 of Griffith’s Quantum Mechanics.