Submitted by em256 on
Class Structure
Even though I have taught this a few times, I am still getting used this course, so many of my decisions about class structure or content still evolving. I want to be flexible: it is your job to tell me what is working/not working so I can adjust.
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 10:10-11:25 in Rockefeller 132. Here we introduce material and practice techniques. There will be in-class activities. These should be handed in at the next lecture.
Fridays -- In computer room (but not always doing computer exercises) -- Phillips 318. Fairly structured, but will include some time to ask questions about homework or other class material. We will do some computer exercises using IPython Notebooks. The completed notebooks should be uploaded to Blackboard before the next recitation period. Upload them as ".ipynb" files. If that doesn't work for you, zip them first.
Web Site:
I am using a custom built web site for all course material, but will use Blackboard for handing in electronic documents. To help keep track of the various components, see the Calendar and Homework sections of the web site.
We voted on day which homework will is due, and Tuesdays won. Feel free to work together, but independently write your solutions.
There is a homework box. You can submit your homework in class, or drop it in the box by midnight the day it is due. While we prefer paper, you can also submit homework on blackboard. If you do submit the homework online, please use ".pdf" files. We do not have the resources to process other file types. Please ensure that any scans are legible, otherwise we may refuse to grade it. Please staple the pages of your homework together. The grader has the discretion to take marks off for handing in loose sheets, or sheets held together by sophisticated origami.
Some homework may include a programming component. For those assignments you will be asked to upload your code to Blackboard. Please use ".ipynb" files.
We will have a "drop 1" policy, where the homework set with the lowest grade is dropped.
Lectures will be given by Professor Erich Mueller. Recitations/Labs will be taught by Mehmet Demirtas, and homework will largely be graded by Eve Vavagiakis.
Office Hours:
Office Hours: Prof. Mueller will have office hours on Mondays from 12:20-1:10pm and Thursdays from 2pm-3pm in PSB 418. We can adjust if those end up not working. Mehmet Dimitras will have office hours on Fridays from 2:15-3:35 in Phillips 318 (the computer room). Mehmet Dimitras will also have office hours on Mondays 1:25-2:15 (location TBD)
Final Exam
We will give an open book take home exam. Unless there are any objections, this will be handed out on Tuesday Nov 20. It will be due at our official exam period.